Results for 'Damianos Michaåel Stroumpoulåes'

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  1. An argument against Aristotelian universals.Damiano Costa - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4331-4338.
    I provide an argument against the Aristotelian view of universals, according to which universals depend for their existence on their exemplifiers. The argument consists in a set of five jointly inconsistent assumptions. As such, the argument can be used to argue in favour of other conclusions, such as that exemplification is no relation or that plausible principles concerning ontological dependence or grounding do not hold.
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    From the genome's perspective: Bearing somatic retrotransposition to leverage the regulatory potential of L1 RNAs.Damiano Mangoni, Aurora Mazzetti, Federico Ansaloni, Alessandro Simi, Gian Gaetano Tartaglia, Luca Pandolfini, Stefano Gustincich & Remo Sanges - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400125.
    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genomic elements constituting a big fraction of eukaryotic genomes. They ignite an evolutionary arms race with host genomes, which in turn evolve strategies to restrict their activity. Despite being tightly repressed, TEs display precisely regulated expression patterns during specific stages of mammalian development, suggesting potential benefits for the host. Among TEs, the long interspersed nuclear element (LINE‐1 or L1) has been found to be active in neurons. This activity prompted extensive research into its possible role (...)
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    Studies in the terminology of early Stoic ethics.Damianos Tsekourakis - 1974 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
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    The a simili argument: An inferentialist setting.Damiano Canale & Giovanni Tuzet - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (4):499-509.
    The A Simili Argument draws the conclusion that a target case has a normative property Q since it shares a relevant property P with a source case. It can be seen as a complex inference constituted by three inferential steps: An abduction of the relevant property P , an induction of the class having that property, and a deduction of the target's having property Q . A major problem of this argument is the characterization of the property relevance. The standard (...)
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    Emotions in Relation. Epistemological and Ethical Scaffolding for Mixed Human-Robot Social Ecologies.Luisa Damiano & Paul Gerard Dumouchel - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    In this article we tackle the core question of machine emotion research – “Can machines have emotions?” – in the context of “social robots”, a new class of machines designed to function as “social partners” for humans. Our aim, however, is not to provide an answer to the question “Can robots have emotions?” Rather we argue that the “robotics of emotion” moves us to reformulate it into a different one – “Can robots affectively coordinate with humans?” Developing a series of (...)
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    Lgbt Catholics: a paradigmatic case of intra-confessional pluralism.Damiano Migliorini - 2019 - Theology and Sexuality 25 (1-2):111-130.
    I will reflect on the reconciliation between “subjective” life and “objective” doctrine experienced by Catholic lgbt couples. Even though their particular experience cannot be considered as universal it can nevertheless constitute a case study for theological reflection. I will propose a theological model for the integration of lgbt Catholics into Christian communities. The case of lgbt Catholics also helps us address the theoretical difficulties of religious pluralism. Their experience of faith is an example of “lived pluralism”. In the lexicon of (...)
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    È possibile una teologia del genere? Antropologia e morale alla prova della postmodernità (…e del ‘gender’).Damiano Migliorini - 2018 - In Paolo Rigliano (ed.), Sguardi sul genere. Mimesis. pp. 177-285.
    Indice del capitolo: 1. introduzione; 2. primo sguardo alla bibliografia e punti fermi; 3. la "negazione simbolica" al fondo della strategia anti-gender; 4. il gender come sfida antropologica per la teologia cattolica; 5. teologia del maschile e del femminile, mistero nuziale; 6. unità duale; 7. complementarietà e reciprocità asimmetrica; 8. una caro, fenomenologia dei gesti, integrazione; 9. una teologia inclusiva per un'antropologia adeguata; 10. matrimonio, verginità, relazione pura; 11. note sulla teologia trinitaria della famiglia; 12. antropologia trinitaria; 13. conclusione.
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  8. Aristotelian universals, strong immanence, and construction.Damiano Costa & Alessandro Giordani - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-15.
    The Aristotelian view of universals, according to which each universal generically depends for its existence on its instantiations, has recently come under attack by a series of ground-theoretic arguments. The last such arguments, presented by Raven, promises to offer several significant improvements over its predecessors, such as avoiding commitment to the transitivity of ground and offering new reasons for the metaphysical priority of universals over their instantiations. In this paper, we argue that Raven's argument does not effectively avoid said commitment (...)
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    Living with Robots.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    "Cover " -- "Title Page " -- "Copyright " -- "Contents " -- "Preface to the English Edition" -- "Introduction" -- "1. The Substitute" -- "2. Animals, Machines, Cyborgs, and the Taxi " -- "3. Mind, Emotions, and Artificial Empathy " -- "4. The Other Otherwise " -- "5. From Moral and Lethal Machines to Synthetic Ethics " -- "Notes" -- "Works Cited" -- "Acknowledgments" -- "Credits.
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    The Opacity of Law: On the Hidden Impact of Experts’ Opinion on Legal Decision-making.Damiano Canale - 2021 - Law and Philosophy 40 (5):509-543.
    It is well known that experts’ opinion and testimony take on a decisive weight in judicial fact-finding, raising issues and perplexities that have long been under scholarly scrutiny. In this paper I argue that expert’s opinions have a much wider impact on legal decision-making. In particular, they may generate a problem that I will call ‘the opacity of law’. A legal text, such as a statute or regulation, becomes opaque if a legal authority is not able to grasp its full (...)
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    Philosophia kai epistēmes ston eikosto aiōna.Petros Damianos - 2013 - Hērakleio: Panepistēmiakes Ekdoseis Krētēs. Edited by Aristeidēs Baltas.
    Tomos II. Koinōnikes epistēmes kai epistēmes tou anthrōpou: ho gallikos dromos tēs ennoias.
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    Sovvertire il tempo: scritti su l'origine e il nuovo inizio.Giovanni Damiano - 2017 - Padova: Edizioni di Ar.
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    Intuitionistic Sahlqvist Theory for Deductive Systems.Damiano Fornasiere & Tommaso Moraschini - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1522-1580.
    Sahlqvist theory is extended to the fragments of the intuitionistic propositional calculus that include the conjunction connective. This allows us to introduce a Sahlqvist theory of intuitionistic character amenable to arbitrary protoalgebraic deductive systems. As an application, we obtain a Sahlqvist theorem for the fragments of the intuitionistic propositional calculus that include the implication connective and for the extensions of the intuitionistic linear logic.
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    Dall’incompatibilismo di Pike all’Open Theism: il dibattito sull’onniscienza divina nella filosofia analitica della religione.Damiano Migliorini - 2014 - Rivista di Filosofia 105:273-288.
    The debate on divine omniscience and its compatibility with human freedom, developed after the formulation of the famous Pike’s Argument, has led some authors to formulate a new form of theism called open theism. The main thesis of this theory deals with the redefinition of the attribute of omniscience – meant as dynamic – and other divine attributes, such as eternity and immutability. The core of the theory, however, lies in the assumption, in metaphysical terms, of the affirmation of the (...)
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  15. Some Observations on Natural Law.Michaael Pakaluk - 2013 - Diametros 38:152-174.
    The paper offers some observations with a view to correcting ostensible misunderstandings of the so-called New Natural Law (“NNL”) theory, concluding that the NNL theory is unworkable and unsustainable, even on its own terms. It is argued that the NNL theory is based on fundamental misunderstandings of the nature of necessity in Aquinas; the nature of propositions which are “known in themselves” (per se nota); and the nature of fundamental practical reasoning. It is argued that, where the NNL theory differs (...)
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    Desiderare l'infinito: bene e legge naturale in Tommaso d'Aquino.Damiano Simoncelli - 2023 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  17. The Transcendentist Theory of Persistence.Damiano Costa - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (2):57-75.
    This paper develops an endurantist theory of persistence. The theory is built around one basic tenet, which concerns existence at a time – the relation between an object and the times at which that object is present. According to this tenet, which I call transcendentism, for an object to exist at a time is for it to participate in events that are located at that time. I argue that transcendentism is a semantically grounded and metaphysically fruitful. It is semantically grounded, (...)
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  18. The Multi-location Trilemma.Damiano Costa & Claudio Calosi - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1063-1079.
    The possibility of multi-location—of one entity having more than one exact location—is required by several metaphysical theories such as the immanentist theory of universals and three-dimensionalism about persistence. One of the most pressing challenges for multi-location theorists is that of making sense of exact location—in that extant definitions of exact location entail a principle called ‘functionality’, according to which nothing can have more than one exact location. Recently in a number of promising papers, Antony Eagle has proposed and defended a (...)
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    A blind spot in the theories of legal interpretation.Damiano Canale - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (1):130-138.
    Interpretation without Truth is the result of thirty years of research that Pierluigi Chiassoni has devoted to legal interpretation and legal reasoning. More generally, the book represents one of t...
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  20. Persistence in Time.Damiano Costa - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Persistence in Time No person ever steps into the same river twice—or so goes the Heraclitean maxim. Obscure as it is, the maxim is often taken to express two ideas. The first is that everything always changes, and nothing remains perfectly similar to how it was just one instant before. The second is that nothing … Continue reading Persistence in Time →.
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    The phenomenality of the phenomenon: Heidegger on physics.Damiano Sacco - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):503-519.
    The essay explores the possibilities afforded by Heidegger’s thought for addressing the question of the reality of the phenomenon within the framework of the theory of quantum mechanics. Heidegger’s conception of the task of phenomenology is seen to provide a crucial axis along which the phenomenon of quantum physics can be connected both to its appearance in language and to the historical unfolding of the horizon that grounds the possibility of an encounter with the phenomenon itself. The determinations of this (...)
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    Emanuele Severino. Sózein tà Phainómena.Damiano Sacco - 2024 - In Ines Testoni, Fabio Scardigli, Andrea Toniolo & Gabriele Gionti S. J. (eds.), Eternity Between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos. De Gruyter. pp. 23-34.
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    Walled Borders, Territoriality and Sovereignty: A Typology.Damiano Canale - 2021 - Athena 1 (1):37-57.
    Legal scholarship has so far paid little attention to the concept of border, which is one of the reasons for the lack of clarity regarding the characteristics of public borders at the present time. This paper aims to contribute to fill this gap by looking at an apparently eccentric phenomenon regarding the contemporary transformation of state borders: the so-called border walls. At a first sight, border walls seem to reiterate the traditional functions of state borders. But their rising up as (...)
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    The Frontier of Synthetic Knowledge: Toward a Constructivist Science.Luisa Damiano & Lola Cañamero - 2012 - World Futures 68 (3):171 - 177.
    This article focuses on the frontier between the technological domain of production of artefacts and the naturalistic domain of the sciences of life and cognition. It shows that, since the 1940s, this frontier has become the place of production of an innovative kind of scientific knowledge??synthetic knowledge.? The article describes the methodology and the main characteristics of synthetic knowledge, and formulates a hypothesis on its epistemological genealogy. Accordingly, it characterizes synthetic knowledge as one of the most advanced expressions of a (...)
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    1. The Substitute.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - In Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel (eds.), Living with Robots. Harvard University Press. pp. 24-57.
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    A semantics for Hybrid Probabilistic Logic programs with function symbols.Damiano Azzolini, Fabrizio Riguzzi & Evelina Lamma - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 294 (C):103452.
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  27. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:468.
    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents - social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic (...)
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  28. What is priority monism? Reply to Kovacs.Damiano Costa - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Priority monism is the view that the cosmos is the basic concrete entity on which each of its parts depend. Kovacs has recently argued that none of the classical notions of dependence could be used to spell out priority monism. I argue that four notions of dependence – namely rigid existential dependence, generic existential dependence, explanatory dependence, and generalised explanatory dependence – can indeed be used to spell out priority monism, and specify the conditions under which this is possible.
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    Gender, Filosofie, Teologie. La complessità contro ogni ideologia.Damiano Migliorini - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un approccio sereno e critico sia alla cultura laica di genere – della quale si esaminano i nodi principali – sia a quella cattolica, con l’intento di superare le reciproche diffidenze e cercare insieme una verità umanizzante per tutti. L’obiettivo è gettare delle basi condivisibili su cui costruire una sintesi (...)
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  30. Fine’s Monster Objection Defanged.Damiano Costa, Alessandro Cecconi & Claudio Calosi - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):435-451.
    The Monster Objection has often been considered one of the main reasons to explore non-standard mereological views, such as hylomorphism. Still, it has been rarely discussed and then only in a cursory fashion. This paper fills this gap by offering the first thorough assessment of the objection. It argues that different metaphysical stances, such as presentism and three- and four-dimensionalism, provide different ways of undermining the objection.
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  31. Was Bonaventure a Four-dimensionalist?Damiano Costa - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):393-404.
    Bonaventure is sometimes taken to be an ante litteram champion of the four-dimensional theory of persistence. I argue that this interpretation is incorrect: Bonaventure was no four-dimensionalist.
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    What the legislature did not say.Damiano Canale & Giovanni Tuzet - 2016 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 5 (3):249-270.
    The paper is about the uses of the argument from legislative counterfactual intention, in the field of legal interpretation and argumentation. After presenting the argument from intention in general, it distinguishes the varities of the argument from counterfactual legislative intention and discusses their justification conditions.
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  33. From times to worlds and back again: a transcendentist theory of persistence.Alessandro Giordani & Damiano Costa - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):210-220.
    Until recently, an almost perfect parallelism seemed to hold between theories of identity through time and across possible worlds,as every account in the temporal case(endurantism,perdurantism, exdurantism) was mirrored by a twin account in the modal case (trans-world identity, identity-via-parts, identity-via-counterparts). Nevertheless, in the recent literature, this parallelism has been broken because of the implementation in the debate of the relation of location. In particular, endurantism has been subject to a more in-depth analysis, and different versions of it, corresponding to different (...)
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    Rethinking Musical Affordances.Damiano Menin & Andrea Schiavio - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (2):202-215.
    The notion of affordance has been introduced by Gibson (1977, 1979) as the feature of an object or the environment that allows the observer to perform an action, a set of “environmental supports for an organism’s intentional activities” (Reybrouck 2005). Studied under very different perspectives, this concept has become a crucial issue not only for the ecological psychology, but also for cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence studies, and philosophy of mind. This variety of approaches has widened the already ambiguous definition originally (...)
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    Legislative Intentions and Counterfactu‐als: Or, What One Can Still Learn from Dworkin's Critique of Legal Positivism.Damiano Canale & Giovanni Tuzet - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (1):26-47.
    Riggs v. Palmerhas become famous since Dworkin used it to show that legal positivism is defective. The debate over the merits of Dworkin's claims is still very lively. Yet not enough attention has been paid to the fact that the content of the statute at issue inRiggswas given by thecounterfactual intentionof the legislature. According to arguments from legislative intent, a judicial decision is justified if it is based on the lawmaker's intention. But can legislative intentions be determined counterfactually? More generally, (...)
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    Faith and Philosophy: Richard Swinburne and the Analytic Philosophy of Religion – An Interview.Damiano Migliorini - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (4):345-371.
    Richard Swinburne is one of the best-known names in the international philosophical scene. His apologetic project is considered one of the largest and most impactful and profound of the last century. The interview conducted here explores many biographical and theoretical issues (Omniscience, Eternity, God’s existence, Free will, Analogy, Relational ontology and Powers ontology, Soul-Body relation, Trinity, Evil) and it aims to trace a broad (albeit necessarily partial) path through his numerous works. The interview took place in 2016, in Oxford, at (...)
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    Deadly Mirrors: Animal Death in Tommaso Landolfi and Stefano D'Arrigo.Damiano Benvegnù - 2019 - Paragraph 42 (1):76-90.
    From Hegel to Heidegger and Agamben, modern Western philosophy has been haunted by how to think the connections between death, humanness and animality. This article explores how these connections h...
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    2. Animals, Machines, Cyborgs, and the Taxi.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - In Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel (eds.), Living with Robots. Harvard University Press. pp. 58-88.
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    Index.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - In Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel (eds.), Living with Robots. Harvard University Press. pp. 255-262.
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    Law and Geology for the Anthropocene: Toward an Ethics of Encounter.Alexander Damianos - 2023 - Law and Critique 34 (2):165-183.
    The Anthropocene has been observed as an opportunity to generate new legal imaginaries capable of revising incumbent assumptions of legal and political thought. What opportunities do such ambitions afford for communication between geological and legal thought? Responding to Birrell & Matthews attempt to ‘re-story a lawfor, rather thanof, the Anthropocene,’ I wish to describe some ways in which the Anthropocene Working Group, who are pursuing formalisation of the Anthropocene as an official geological unit, are involved in a similar exercise of (...)
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    Per un'altra modernità: scritti su Evola.Giovanni Damiano - 2013 - Padova: Edizioni di Ar.
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    Il gamos proibito. Persistenza di un modello culturale in Diogene Laerzio (III 2).Damiano Fermi - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):15-30.
    L’esame di un passo della Vita di Platone laerziana (III 2) – e di luoghi paralleli riferibili alla medesima tradizione – permette di mettere a fuoco un motivo mitico cruciale nei racconti sulla concorrenza tra essere umano e divinità nel gamos con una mortale: il divieto, che il nume impone al ‘rivale’ di inferiore natura, di congiungersi con la donna che reca in grembo il suo seme, finché l’eroina non abbia portato a termine la gravidanza. Le storie di personaggi femminili (...)
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    L'amore omosessuale. Saggi di psicoanalisi, teologia e pastorale. In dialogo per una nuova sintesi.Damiano Migliorini - 2014 - Assisi: Cittadella Editrice.
    C’è bisogno di una nuova sintesi. Inter- e intradisciplinare, con una visione d’insieme coerente, scientifica, senza pregiudizi, al servizio di una Chiesa che – con papa Francesco – è alla ricerca di nuove analisi e di proposte pratiche innovative. Necessaria è la prospettiva della piena integralità umana delle persone omosessuali, che interroghi il loro amore in tutta la sua complessità. La psicoanalisi, per prima, può contribuire a elaborare una visione dell’affettività omosessuale complessiva, integrale e positiva. La teologia può ascoltarne le (...)
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    Genealogie del populismo: per la storia di un concetto paranoico.Damiano Palano (ed.) - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Leggere Benjamin contropelo: alla ricerca dell'idea di natura.Damiano Roberi - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Potence of Queer: A Study of the Contamination of the Concept.Damiano Sacco - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (3):32-52.
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    Natura, ragione e relazione: una prospettiva sulla legge naturale a partire da Alasdair MacIntyre.Damiano Simoncelli - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  48. Mereological Endurantism Defined.Damiano Costa - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):2063-2073.
    I develop a definition of mereological endurantism which overcomes objections that have been proposed in the literature and thereby avoids the charge of obscurity put forward by Sider against the view.
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  49. Trinity and Mystery. Three Models for the Contemporary Debate in Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Damiano Migliorini - 2022 - Dialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 24.
    There is a lively debate in contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion about the consistency of the Trinitarian doctrine. In this context, the notion of ‘mystery’ has become crucial. However, although it is currently considered the main challenge of Trinitarian theology, its definition remains rather partial and superficial. After a brief description of today’s Mysterianism, I analyse three ‘emblematic’ positions in light of the current debate: Aquinas, Leibniz and Hegel present three ways to believe in a mysterious Trinity. I will point (...)
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  50. Providence and Mystery: From Open Theism to New Approaches.Damiano Migliorini - 2022 - Segni E Comprensione 36 (103):134-158.
    In the recent debate on Christian theism, the position called Open Theism (OT) tries to solve the dilemma of omniscience and human freedom. In OT, the key word of the human-divine relationship is “risk”: in his relationship with us, God is a risk-taker in that he adapts his plan to human decisions and to the situations that arise from them. “Risk” is the fundamental characteristic of any true love relationship. According to OT, God has no exhaustive knowledge of how humans (...)
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